tty.c File Reference

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "listparse.h"
#include "tty.h"


#define MIN(a, b)   ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)


void curses_init ()
void curses_display ()
int curses_getch ()
void p_dir (struct parse_list *head)
void curses_end ()
void fatalerror (char *msg)
void e_prompt (char *msg, char *input, int becho)
char c_prompt (char *msg)
void set_line (int set)
int get_line ()
int inc_line ()
int dec_line ()
void error (char *msg)
void status (char *msg)
void header (char *msg)


char l_header [81]
char l_error [81]
char l_status [81]
int hi_line = 0

Detailed Description

Terminal handling (via Curses).

Define Documentation

#define MIN ( a,
 )     ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)

Finds the minimum of two numbers.

Function Documentation

char c_prompt ( char *  msg  ) 

Prompts the user with a message, but only waits for one character.

msg The message to prompt.
The character the user gave us.

void curses_display (  ) 

Display the window.

void curses_end (  ) 

Destroy the curses window.

int curses_getch (  ) 

Wrapper function for outside usage.

void curses_init (  ) 

Simple curses initialization.

int dec_line (  ) 

See inc_line().

void e_prompt ( char *  msg,
char *  input,
int  becho 

Prompts the user with a message, and waits for newline. Then it returns the input without the trailing newline.

msg The prompt message.
input Used to store the user's input.
becho Is the input echoed or not?

void error ( char *  msg  ) 

A non-fatal error; simply output msg to the error line and update the display.

msg Our new error message.

void fatalerror ( char *  msg  ) 

A "fatal" error; exit the program and print msg.

msg The msg to print.

int get_line (  ) 

The hi_line so outside functions can know it.

void header ( char *  msg  ) 

Output a message to the header line and update display.

msg Our new header message.

int inc_line (  ) 

Increments the line counter.

/return 0 normally, 1 if out of bounds.

void p_dir ( struct parse_list head  ) 

Prints the directory listing starting from the head.

head The beginning of the directory listing.

void set_line ( int  set  ) 

Sets the highlighted line to set.

set Which line?

void status ( char *  msg  ) 

Output a message to the status line and update display.

msg Our new status message.

Variable Documentation

int hi_line = 0

Which line shall we highlight?

char l_error[81]

The error line.

char l_header[81]

The header.

char l_status[81]

The status line.

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