cmdloop.h File Reference

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int cmd_loop (int sockfd, struct sock_hostport info, char *dir, struct parse_list *head)
char * local_loop ()

Detailed Description

The main I/O loop.

Function Documentation

int cmd_loop ( int  sockfd,
struct sock_hostport  info,
char *  dir,
struct parse_list head 

The main I/O loop; this is where the program spends a majority of its time. Takes in commands from the user and then does something based on that. The function loops infinitely until a quit command is received from the user.

sockfd The socket descriptor for the FTP server.
info The sock_hostport structure with the FTP server info.
dir What directory are we in on the FTP server?
head The beginning of the linked list of files on the server.
0 if a quit is received.

char* local_loop (  ) 

This function is for when you are selecting a local file. It displays the files just as it does for the remote view.

The name of the file to send.

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